House of Flame and Shadow (Crescent City Book 3)

Author: Sarah J. Mass
Goodreads: 43,010 ratings
Book Format: PDF/ eBook
Category: Romance
Language: English
Publication Date: January 30, 2024
Price: Earlier 10.99 Now in $7.99

Bryce Quinlan yearns to return to Midgard, to her friends and her mate Hunt. But she finds herself stranded in a strange new world, cut off from everything she knows. Meanwhile, Hunt is imprisoned by the Asteri, desperate to find a way to help Bryce. Both face dangers and uncover secrets that could change the fate of their world.

House of Flame and Shadow Book Cover Image

About the Author

Sarah J Maas

Meet Sarah J. Maas, the Book Magician!
Have you ever come across a book that left you breathless with excitement, swooning with romance, or kept you up all night just to know what happens next? If yes, then you have probably discovered the enchanting world of Sarah J. Maas!
✨Sarah is not your average writer. She is a bestselling author of The New York Times, who has created phenomenal series such as Throne of Glass (an epic tale of battles and daring quests) and A Court of Thorns and Roses (a place where love stories bloom amidst mythical creatures and fairies). Her books have been translated into a mind-boggling 38 languages, proving that her writing has a global appeal!
But wait, there’s more! Sarah’s influence goes beyond her writing. She inspires others to follow in her footsteps, whether it’s by becoming the next bestselling author or by just losing themselves in the fantastic worlds she creates. Exploring Sarah’s work can be like discovering a secret code to storytelling. ️

Top reviews

It Made Me CRY: 5 STARS ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

First thoughts: it took 4 days but I powered through and I can honestly say this was AMAZING and if you loved the first 2 books then there’s nothing left to convince because everything ties together in the end. I am just in a state of awe? SJM really has her claws in me, it’s crazy.

Let’s start by addressing the elephant in the room (if you’re reading reviews on this third book, then I ASSUME you’re aware of it): The cast of ACOTAR and this very strange interweaving of SJM’s worlds. Brief appearances were made by Rhysand, Cassian, and Amren. Brief mentions of Feyre, Nyx, Elain, and Nesta’s two friends (sorry I can’t remember their names right now). Most appearances/interactions were with Nesta and Azriel. By the end of the book, we get a hint of what might be coming in ACOTAR Book 6. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around that last scene with Bryce and Nesta. It was great though, I loved and enjoyed every minute of it.

Now, I’ll put you guys out of your misery: The TOG universe does not make an appearance. However, references to TOG were found in one character: Lidia Cervos. Somebody who, despite her own unique storyline in CC, greatly embodies Queen Aelin Ashryver Whitethorn Galathynius (a name I will never forget). Let’s be honest with each other, Lidia and Ruhn are basically Aelin and Rhysand coded, as two of SJM’s most powerful characters. It’s a glimpse of WHAT IF such a thing like the two of them happened, the idea of them being a couple. That’s why it was so epic for me to notice the references made for Throne of Glass, it’s still her best work amongst all her books.

Favorite scenes:
The rescue, freeing the island, the last stand/battle scene, and the one that made me cry so hard: Bryce’s ultimate sacrifice (very typical SJM death with a twist). Bryce Quinlan is such an amazing character and you can see how much she has grown since book 1. She shines like the brilliant star ⭐️ that she is and I’m honestly so proud of her. Hunt too has just grown leaps and bounds from his dark days and they both deserve to live happily ever after. Their love was just beautiful to witness and it leaves you with a satisfied feeling.

There are still so many issues to address in the aftermath and characters who deserve their happy endings too, but don’t worry everyone, SJM announced CC Book 4! I can’t wait for more in the future!